My co-author, BoĊĦtjan Rogelj and I presented initial findings from our work on the the US image in Slovenian media at the American Association of Geographers meetings in March of 2023. A major component of the project is assess how the US figures in Slovenian media coverage of international events. Scraping just over ten years of articles for the websites of 24UR and MMC RTV Slovenia and creating a dataset that was geocoded, we found that the media sites definitely had a specific geographic imagination that favors specific regions.

Number of times a country is mentioned in the dataset of news articles.

The US, Europe (particularly the Russian Federation, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Turkey), Southwest Asia and the People’s Republic of China were covered quite extensively while much of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia were relatively invisible. While at one level the results are not surprising as the coverage of conflicts and those countries involved is a given, at another the maps signal patterns of media coverage that relegate some places to the periphery.

A recording of our talk, along with two other wonderful talks, can be found here (AAG membership required for access.)

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